Alpine SleepSoft - Earplugs for Sleeping & Snoring, Free Cleaner
Alpine Hearing Protection SleepSoft Earplugs + 1 Cleaner are earplugs for the ears that protect you against the ambient noise and snoring noise during the night. These special earplugs allow to attenuate the unwelcome noises, by letting you hear the sound of the bell, alarm clock or alarm. They are developed to avoid any feeling of pressure in the ear or isolation.
- Absorbs ambient noise and snoring sounds - Extremely comfortable due to soft alpine thermoshape material - Doorbell, alarm, and alarm clock can still be heard due to unique alpine acoustic filters - With extremely soft filters, especially designed for (side) sleepers - Easy to customize, fits in every ear. Alpine SleepSoft earplugs have an average damping (SNR) of 25 dB
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